Mechanisms and Observations

Eli Whitney Museum

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Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Mechanisms and Observations

Ages 9-12
9 am- 3pm

Thumbnail of Mechanisms and Observations project

In 1798, the Mill River attracted Whitney to our historic site so the water would be harnessed to power Whitney’s Armory. As the river’s current turned a waterwheel, Whitney converted this spinning movement into mechanical processes such as milling, rolling, and hammering in order to produce the parts for his contract musket. Like Whitney, harness a spinning motion to power and observe three different mechanical movements- spinning, climbing, and hammering- with our Macrochip Controllers. Later, build a circuit using two motors and a string in order to observe the patterns that waves make with our Roto-rope spinner.

Fee: $85
Educator: Andrew Sargent

Before and after care available

We strive to make our programs accessible to all. Please give us a call at 203.777.1833 to discuss opportunities for financial aid or sponsor a scholarship.

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