Engineering Color

Eli Whitney Museum

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Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Engineers Week: Engineering Color

Thumbnail of Engineering Color project

Vacation Program

  • Tuesday, February 20, 2018
  • 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
  • Designed for ages 6 to 8
  • By Kiran Zaman, Director of Programming

Engineers explore the chemistry of color.

40,000 years ago, primitive artists could express themselves in 5 colors: red, yellow, brown, black, and white. And the evolution of color engineering began. Can we find pigments to make new colors? Will they stick to surfaces? Will they persist a long time? Will they mix well with others? Can they create fine lines? Are they safe? Are they pleasing?

Devote a day to experimenting with the science and art of color. Cook up some colors from natural pigments. Apply color with your fingers, with sticks, with brushes, with splatters, with a roller and press. Sculpt color into balls that bounce. Learn tricks of color, dissolve a color into the colors that made it, float color into amoebic prints, collide colors that amuse the eye in experiments created by Josef Albers in New Haven. Each color you learn stretches the power of your hands to communicate.

Bind your experiments into a book to collect your experiments.

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