Classic Games

Eli Whitney Museum

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2017 Summer Program

This is our second study of Games. Games are the perfect pairing of play and learning. To be interesting a game must require learning: sometimes mastering rules and strategy, sometimes developing dexterity, sometimes both. To be successful a game must be fun, rewarding, winning and learning. UNiCEF’s Games of the World ©1975 has been an invaluable guide.

Long, long ago games found their rules scratched in dirt. Stones, or seeds or wood bits became the players. In every region of the world, some games became so popular that fans created boards to standardize rules and to make play portable. Much later manufacturers took over.

This year we go beyond the board. Construct games out of boards that are not typical in shape or layout. Discover new games that are not constrained to the boundaries of a board. Decorate them with colors and patterns reminiscent of their origins. Build a box to store and carry your work. Learn the rules and play. No buttons or batteries, but challenges, strategy, and hours of companionship to rival the contemporary games you know.

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