Gilbert Catalog
Price in 1948: Unlisted
A new type — built into 10" straight track section. Operates only with new style American Flyer automatic couplers. Complete with electric control button.

Price in 1949: $2.50
Uncouples American Flyer automatic couplers. Clamps to any 10" straight track section. Complete with 10" track section and remote control button. $2.50. Denver and west, $2.65.

Price in 1950: $2.50
For American Flyer Automatic Couplers. Clamps to any 10" straight track section. Comes complete with track section and remote control button.
Price, $2.50. Denver and West, $2.60.

Price in 1951: Unlisted
For American Flyer automatic couplers. Clamps any 10" straight or curve track section. Includes track section and remote control button.