Gilbert Catalog
Price in 1946: Unlisted

Once again the Engineers at the Gilbert Hall of Science have come forth with an item that all miniature railroaders have long been waiting for — a new power source which plugs into regular llO—Volt 60·Cycle A.C. House Current and which has both a D.C. output of from 7%-15 Volts for operating the new Permanent Magnet HO locomotives and 15-Volts A.C. output for operating accessories.

Voltage control lever shows the miles per hour trains are traveling, and by simply pushing the operating lever, you can stop the train, start it again, either forward or reverse, whichever you wish, without first going through the usual routine of a sequence switch. This is done purely electrically by changing the polarity of the current in the track.

This unit is of most recent design and is fully approved by Underwriters' Laboratories. It has a built-in thermostatic controlled circuit breaker to protect it from burning out, and is equipped with Red and Green Pilot Lights.

lf your house current is D.C., use the power source with No. 10 D.C. inverter shown on page 24.