Gilbert Catalog
Price in 1951: Unlisted
Does away with the necessity of locking the remote control unit on the locomotive in a forward position when using such automatic accessories as the No. 761 Semaphore. Includes necessary power leads.

Price in 1952: Unlisted
Does away with the necessity of locking the remote control unit on the locomotive in a forward position when using such automatic accessories as the No. 761 Semaphore. Includes necessary power leads.

Price in 1953: Unlisted
Does away with the necessity of locking the remote control unit on the locomotive in a forward position when using such automatic accessories as the No. 761 Semaphore. Includes necessary power leads.

Price in 1954: $1.50
Does away with the necessity of locking the remote control unit on the locomotive in a forward position when using such automatic accessories as the No. 761 Semaphore. Includes necessary power leads.

Price in 1955: $1.50
Eliminated necessity of locking remote control unit on the locomotive in a forward position when using such automatic accessories as the No. 761 Semaphore. Includes necessary power leads.