COVID Pirates

Eli Whitney Museum

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Trading Cultures

COVID Pirates

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The Pirate Code was a group of rules that all pirates had to follow aboard a ship. This was how things 'worked' and kept order among a group of possibly unruly pirates. Everyone had to sign it and live by it. Learn more about legends and lives of pirates.

Join Captain Christi Sargent and her Apprentice crew to set off for adventures. First, you need a ship of course, so you will build a beauty of a pirate ship to carry your small crew members, who of course will have to sign a (teeny tiny) code of conduct.

Make a dancing pirate and a treasure map. And build a treasure chest for you to store the booty you discover when you take part in the Treasure Hunt set up by the Apprentices.

Make your Pirate outfit – right down to the parrot on your shoulder – to wear when you set sails on Friday in a specially built lagoon. Invite your families to see you off on Friday afternoon.

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