Leonardo Laboratory

Eli Whitney Museum

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As a child, Leonardo da Vinci was a brilliant artisan and an unpromising student. Still, Leonardo is a universal measure of genius.

So how should we measure genius?

The Leonardo Laboratory is a partnership of research designed by Yale University’s PACE Center and workshops designed by the Eli Whitney Museum to explore measures of gifts and skills in children whose school performance reflects mixed brilliance and promise.

The Workshops

Experimental building projects, derived from creative and practical challenges in Leonardo’s notebooks will help 9 and 10 year olds understand, apply and refine their gifts. 10 sessions: Saturdays 10.9 – 12.18 or Tuesdays 10.12 – 12.20
(See illustrations)


Introductory workshops will be offered at the Museum
sat 10/2, 1–3pm or tues 10/5, 3:30 – 5:30

The child’s interest in the work and his/her learning history (established in a parent interview) will identify eligible children for the Workshops. There is no charge for participation in these workshops.

The Pace Center at Yale

is a world renowned institute that studies the dynamics of learning: abilities, competencies and expertise.

340 Edwards Street
New Haven, CT 06511

Tina Newman, PhD.
is a research coordinator for
giftedness and learning disability.

The Eli Whitney Museum

is an experimental building workshop that designs materials for hands-on learning and learners.

915 Whitney Avenue
Hamden, CT 06517

Wm Brown, MSW
Director and principal educator
Eli Whitney Museum.

Sally Hill at (203) 777.1833 to book a program or email her at sh@eliwhitney.org

Group Size
Most programs can be structured to accommodate a team of up to 100 children; The minimum charge per group is $120

Our Fall schedule is much more flexible than the Winter or Spring. If your group can come after noon, we can almost always give you your first choice of date.

If you don't see it here
This Brochure shows only 45 of the 100+ projects we will teach this year. We modify and invent projects to your specifications. Call wit your needs.

We design our programs for 1.5 hours. We can abbreviate them to accommodate problems with bus schedules. Occasionally your group may overlap the work of another group. If your group can come after noon, we can almost always give you your first choice of date.

Double Programs / Full Day Programs
Many schools request longer programs to combine program elements or to develop projects. Costs rise proportionally.

There is space for lunch outside (weather permitting); space for lunch can be arranged inside in most cases.

We follow the Winter Storm closing decisions of the Hamden Public Schools.

We do not specify a minimum number of chaperones. There is no fee for chaperones. We do ask that you prepare chaperones to actively support the programs, more broadly than just with their own children. When we ask that students wear safety goggles, parents and teachers must also wear safety goggles.

Ours is a No Smoking Site. We ask your chaperones and bus drivers to respect this heath and safety rule.

If your group must cancel for any reason (other than a snow day), please notify us immediately so that we can avoid charging you a setup fee of $75.

Fair Use
Project designs and teaching material prepared by the Museum may not be copied without permission

We Travel.

Our projects can be adapted to be taught in your school if your schedule or travel budget makes this attractive. Call for details. Certain minimum enrollments are necessary to make this feasible. Call Sally Hill at 777-1833 for information.

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