Adult Workshops in Digital Fabrication

Eli Whitney Museum

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Thumbnail of Adult Workshops in Digital Fabrication project

We will offer Adult Design & Fabrication Workshops throughout the year. Some as a series, some just a one or two day program.

We will bring in Guest Artists to lead you into their world of artistic expression.

October & November 2017, Ryan Paxton.
Our production shop is run by a remarkable designer/artisan/craftsman/machinist who comes to the Workshop by way of Brooklyn and Oregon. Ryan runs both our industrial CNC machines to produce parts for the 90,000 plus kits we produce yearly. Oh, and he's a great teacher.

This link will take you to a web page set up for the class. It will be updated regularly.

Fall 2017

Introduction to CNC Design and Fabrication

Introduction to CNC Design and Fabrication thumbnail

A course designed for the experienced designer and hobbyist maker alike. In this course participants will learn to draw using Computer Aided Design software to produce parts with a CNC (Computer Numeric Controller) router. Starting with simple 2 dimensional drawings to create 3 dimensional constructions.

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